KELLER深圳市惠佳捷科技有限公司长期经销KELLER高温计 KELLER湿度测量仪KELLER浸入式温度计KELLER伺服驱动器KELLER IM62 重量放大器KELLER IN48两线式变送器等产品
测量范围Measuring range: 0 to 100 % RH
操作范围Operating range: - 30 bis 170 °C (200 °C)
可浸泡在水中Can withstand condensation or immersion in water
耐大气污染Exceptional resistance to contaminants in the atmosphere
Electronics are not housed within the sensor head (patented method)
LCD显示LCD display (optional)
CellaHum GB 26 K
CellaHum GB 26 W
CellaHum GB 27
CellaTemp PQ11AF
CellaTemp PQ12AF
CellaTemp PQ13AF
CellaTemp PQ14AF
CellaTemp PQ15AF
CellaTemp PQ16AF
CellaTemp PQ21AF
CellaTemp PQ22AF
CellaTemp PQ23AF
CellaTemp PQ24AF
CellaTemp PQ27AF
CellaTemp PQ28AF
CellaTemp PL11AF
CellaTemp PL21AF
CellaTemp PL22AF
CellaTemp PL31AF
CellaTemp PL32AF
Gispo D
CellaLog HT 30 AF 1
CellaLog HT 30 AF 11
CellaDrive ST 30 AF 2
Servo Drives
CA 03 Servo Drive
CA 12 Servo Drive